About us

Sri Basava TV has been commenced under the Trust by name Basava Thatva Prachara Pratistana. Basava Devotees, Basava followers and Philosophers together constituted a Charitable Trust. Tax exemption has been obtained under Sec. 80G of the Income Tax for the Basava Thatva Prachara Pratistana. E. Krishnappa is rendering his service as Managing Trustee. The Basava Principles followers from all the Districts of the State are rendering free service. The work of propaganda of the Philosophy, culture and rites of Basava religion is being made in a huge manner in the State, Nation and Foreign countries.

Basava TV is broadcasting most important Bhakti Kannada Channel. Philosophy of Sharanas of 12th Century, Vachana literature, Dasa literature, Folk literature, Kannada Literature based programmes are being broadcasted. Apart from this scientific, rational and progressive principles are also broadcasting. Indian Philosophy and global philosophy integral spirituality will be discussed. Moral values, speech and social responsibilities will be conveyed in people’s lives by inculcating devotional knowledge. Programmes like soul knowledge and God almighty Shiva knowledge, transient and permanent truth etc will be done.